Comments on: Experiments in a new local economics (UK) Community-led economic change. Wed, 12 Mar 2014 14:33:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Call for governments to inquire if money and the financial system is fit for purpose? Thu, 02 Jan 2014 18:10:14 +0000 […] through cultural creative initiatives, like the Transition movement, are already implementing practical experimentation of alternative economic approaches. “The likes of Amazon, Google, Bitcoin and other disruptive companies” are not the only […]

By: Link roundup – Kind of Digital | Public Sector Blogs Wed, 11 Dec 2013 15:08:01 +0000 […] find this stuff so you don’t have to: Newspapers: Community, priorities and platforms Experiments in a new local economics (UK) |  REconomy Why mobile first might not be best for Universal Credit | Helen Milner Introducing the Intel® […]

By: Link roundup | Kind of Digital Wed, 11 Dec 2013 15:00:13 +0000 […] Experiments in a new local economics (UK) |  REconomy […]

By: Admin (Shane Hughes) Sat, 07 Dec 2013 08:23:27 +0000 Hi Carlos, good to hear from you. Hear in the UK we have some amazing Masters Degrees at the Centre for Alternative Technology or at the Schumacher College but i’m sure there are some great training courses in Spain too. If you want to email me i could pass on a couple of contacts of people from Northern Spain who might be able to help you. email me here

good luck in your next steps

By: Carlos Fri, 06 Dec 2013 23:18:51 +0000 Hi,

I Am Carlos and I lived in a post-industrial área in the norte of Spain. i fe el this área is sufre ring a complete knock don of the way of life we had and now that companies aré leaving the región or dramaticaly downsizing we have to find a new way of organiize oír lifestyle.

i would like to colaboraste to find a sustainable way of doping it. i have participate in a transition course late winter in Madrid and I experienced the energy of people from all over Spain that thinks that we Could do organiize oír lifestyle better to have a futuro on earth.

i know from my profesional background as Engineer and Lean prácticioner that thinks can be change in a bottomup aproach been set the mainstream visión.

I Am about to spend one year studying and Executive MBA that William bring me again may be in the dark side of economy and i Am wondering of You Could oferta me años alternative to this Classic training programa that enhanced my skills as transition multiplicar in rodear to help my comunitie to invent a new futuro really better for us.

Any o there sugestión aparte of my demand for training would be anyway very good welcome.

Thanks for this inspirative movement
and sorry by the spelling, My IPad corrects me TOO much 😉
