If you missed the Transition Network’s REconomy Project Day on September the 14th or were there but had to choose between two great sessions then this is the place to find out what when on. For those interested in the rest of the Transition Conference there’s a great diversity of documented material over on the Transition Network site.
Below is only some of the material there’s lots more vids, audio and photos to come. We’ll be updating this post further as not all material has been processed and edited yet. If you have any photos or any notes that you’d like us to include, please let us know.
Here’s the audio from the opening session and a welcome to the event;
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From the inspirations sessions
1. David Micklem – Artistic Director at Battersea Arts Centre – The inspirational story of our host building, a 115 year-old public building facing being closed, the local community fighting to keep it open and finally taking on the lease and taking the building into community ownership and running the building “not for you, not for me, but for us”.
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2. Inderpaul Johar – Co-founder of The Westminster HUB, a start up labrotary for change makes and a “superstudio for the new economy”. The first HUB founded in 2005 in London the idea has now inspired many and spread like wildfire and there are now 25 hubs world wide with many more in the making and 1,000’s of members.
[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/60339672″ iframe=”true” /]
3. Pam Warhurst – Chair of Incredible Edible Todmorden – “People come from all over the world to poke around in our raised beds”… Incredible Edible born in Todmorden without permission or a strategy document, they started transforming their landscapes and their action that has inspired many others to action, now starting new enterprises.
[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/60340606″ iframe=”true” /]
4. Ugo Vallauri – Founder of Restart Project – Ending the throw-away culture through the birth of the DIY rebuild culture. With inspirations from Kenya and their resourcefulness in reusing and rebuilding electrical goods.
[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/60341752″ iframe=”true” /]
5. Julie Brown – Founder Director of Growing Communities East London – a community-led organisation based in Hackney which is “providing a real alternative to the current damaging food system”. Not only does it inspire others to do the same, through their ‘Start up program’ it gives people the tools too.
[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/60342605″ iframe=”true” /]
6. Martin Abraham – Founder of Transition Town Brixton’s Community Draught Busters – A social enterprise set up by local residents that runs workshops which are skilling-up the community on how to install affordable and simple draught proofing measures in people’s homes, along with energy efficiency advice sessions.
[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/60343265″ iframe=”true” /]
7. Isabella Menezes – Initiator of Transition Granja Viana, Sao Paulo, Brazil and Executive Director of Oficinada Sustentabilidade – A report back from some of the amazing enterprises that are springing up in Brazil as well as an introduction to her work engaging existing businesses.
[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/60343930″ iframe=”true” /]
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