Resourcing REconomy – an online course
The REconomy Project is here to help Transition Initiatives, and other community groups doing similar work, to grow a new kind of local economy. Some groups are already doing things like staging economic-themed events, starting a local currency project, running ‘buy local’ campaigns, starting new enterprises, networking together local businesses, helping young people make work, bringing land back into community ownership – or doing an Economic Evaluation that might re-define your local economy to be more like this…
But one of the main challenges these groups face is obtaining money and resources to implement these projects. This is particularly true of local economy projects – community collaborations that take us beyond mutual, voluntary support to build more economic stability and increase local production of essential goods and services.
How we can help you
We are piloting two new resources that can help you find the funding needed to launch a local REconomy-type activity or project:
1. Get ready to fundraise – a webinar
We suggest the first step is to assess your initiative/group to be sure you’re ready to fundraise, and we’ve just delivered a 90-minute webinar to help you make this assessment. We outlined key things you need to be able to do before trying to fundraise. This webinar can also help you decide if you are ready to take the online course described below. This webinar is relevant for any project, not just REconomy-related activity. Listen to the webinar recording via this page.
2. Resourcing REconomy – a pilot online course that starts 27th March, 2014
*** Update! We have now selected the 6 Transition groups that will participate in this pilot course. If you are interested in being kept informed of possible future dates, please contact us. ***
Does your Transition Initiative have a REconomy project that needs funds? Are you are ready to start fundraising? If so this course will help you create real funding bids for real funders. You don’t need to have done the above webinar to apply for the course, but you do need to be ready to start fundraising (we can help you make this assessment).
The course will take you through the key aspects of creating a successful bid, and finding the right funders. Whether you approach foundations, government agencies, organizations, individuals or other funders – and whether you are asking for money or other resources – you will learn the key questions you’ll need to answer, and get help with developing compelling project descriptions and documents. If this sounds appealing – read on and please note the deadline for applications…
About the course
Resourcing REconomy aims to help groups like Transition Initiatives learn how to secure the resources needed to implement local REconomy activities, including funding, skills and local support.
This course is not designed to help people raise funds for a specific business enterprise. This is an area we are still working on, but meanwhile people looking for enterprise funding might find some help here.
Course topics
In the course you will:
- Learn ways to identify potential funders;
- Learn how to prioritize which funders to approach first;
- Learn how to evaluate your project and strengthen it for fundraising;
- Create (or evaluate existing) documents needed for fundraising;
- Learn what questions to ask to identify possible obstacles to receiving funding;
- Explore types of resources you might want to request, including money, skills and support;
- Develop a real fundraising proposal; and
- Receive peer support for submission of your proposal.
By the end of the course, you will have defined your own REconomy project/activity and the required resources, identified potential funders, and created at least one funding bid that’s ready to submit.
Course details
The six sessions will take place on Thursday evenings, 19:00 – 20:30 GMT via a webinar platform. The dates are: March 27, April 3 & 24, May 8 & 22 and June 26, 2014.
You will receive a workbook and other useful resources. All participants will be encouraged to be a mutually supportive group for each other. The web-based approach will support file-sharing and group technology such as Google Groups and Drive.
What we ask of you
There is no charge for this course, as it’s a pilot. However we ask participants to agree to:
- Attend all webinars
- Read/review all materials
- Attempt the assignments
- Communicate any difficulties or obstacles as they happen
- Share your experiences with the group so that we can learn from each other
- Participate in ongoing evaluation of self, instructors and the course to assist in improving it
How to apply
*** Update! We have now selected the 6 Transition groups that will participate in this pilot course. If you are interested in being kept informed of possible future dates, please contact us. ***
About the trainers
Tina Clarke has helped over 200 community/Transition groups in North America, and given 45 official Transition courses. Previously she served as trainer, advocate or director for eight non-profit organizations, including Director of Greenpeace USA’s Activist Network, the Coalition for a Safe and Healthy Connecticut, and the Western Massachusetts Funding Resource Center. Since 1993 she has provided consulting to over 400 organizations, assisting them in fundraising, strategic planning, program development, coalition building among other things.
Nicola Hillary has been a fundraiser for environmental and community charities since 1999, taking BioRegional Development Group from a small charity to a £1million turnover, helping prevent Stroud Valleys Project from closing, and later expanding their staff team. Nicola is currently the Funding Manager for Transition Network.