Tag: Guest post
Have you ever thought about organising a local economics event or street party? Today’s guest blog post is from Chris Richards from (One Planet Bristol) and it might just inspire you to take the leap. Every project seems to start with the same question. How hard can it be? I mean all you have to […]
Very interesting question posed in today’s guest blog from Alex Germanis of Pure Leapfrog…. In the subsequent fallout from the war on Wonga, has debt once again become the bad guy? There certainly are unpalatable consequences to bad debt, yet throughout human history we have used debt, whether in barter-based economies or today’s complex […]
This article was originally written by New Start magazine. We’re reposting here with gratitude and full credits given to New Start. Across the UK places are rethinking local economic development. Recession and austerity may have prompted the rethink but, for many areas, the new economics is proving a more effective and equitable way to create […]
A number of us in France have been watching with great interest the REconomy Project emerging and unfolding in the U.K. The REconomy Project Day held in September 2012, right before the Transition Conference in London, was catalytic and memorable. As we began preparing last spring for our regional festival for Transition and Permaculture – […]
Today we have a very welcome guest post from Tom Badley who is a currency designer at Sustainable Currencies. This is a pretty rare bread of individual with an intriguing insight into the design of money. Enjoy! …….. Tom: I’ve always loved to make money. I started in primary school, where I made a series of […]
This is a great guest post by Davie Philip from Cultivate. He gives some very real and practical examples of the sharing economy in his community. At REconomy we are lucky enough to see more and more inspirational enterprises and projects popping up all over but very few examples like this of a collection of […]
We’re very grateful for this guest post from Philip Revell of Sustaining Dunbar: A few months ago Sustaining Dunbar and East Lothian Council organised an event to look at the local economy. The idea was to get participants from a range of backgrounds together, inspire them with the possibilities offered by moving to a more locally […]
We’re grateful for today’s guest post by Michelle Bastian from the Sustaining Time project, which addresses the most intriguing question ‘What is the time of a sustainable economy?’The project is based around the idea that different kinds of economic systems seem to be associated with different kinds of time. For example, industrial capitalism with clock time, and late capitalism with a speeded up, 24/7 […]
Guest post from Laura Gardiner, Policy Adviser – Innovation in Jobs, Nesta. Nesta, the UK’s innovation foundation, has been exploring the ways in which organisations and individuals are innovating to create jobs and tackle worklessness. We began this process in our Making It Work report that was published last October, and we’ve now gathered all […]
As you likely know, we at REconomy are focused on solutions, and so we’re very excited about this guest post from Kate Macdonald (News Co-ordinator with Timebanking UK) that discusses the world of protest and the moment when protest becomes an incubator and motivator to create new ways of acting rather than just protesting against the […]