Tag: Guest post

Simon Evill is social business manager for ClearlySo, the gatekeeper to its capital raising services and consultant to new members. Here he gives a timely review of ClearlySo’s activities in the social enterprise sector and delivers some useful advice to social entrepreneurs looking for investment to scale up. ClearlySo is a financial intermediary […]

This post is a guest blog by Josef Davies-Coates and it originally appeared on the P2P Foundation blog. Crowdfunding is a new word for an old idea. The Oxford English dictionary defines it as “the practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, […]

Guest Post by Simon Carter who’s working with Transition in Tewkesbury Here in Tewkesbury I am very keen to introduce an alternative currency, but upon reflection I have no desire to name it the Tewkesbury Pound in the tradition of the Totnes Pound, the Stroud, Lewes or Brixton Pound & very soon now the Bristol […]

Why is this a personal Transition Journey? Well it’s easy to recall when, where and why this started – in June 2010 at Alington House in Durham I attended a Co-operative UK event which incorporated a workshop called ‘Plan Bee’, where I would be able to learn more about keeping my own bees… however as […]

From Juliet at the Enterprise Group, Transition Town Lewes… Is the depth of a recession a bad time to ask people to think about creating sustainable enterprise – or is it a truly inspired time to encourage people to think about building their own resilient livelihoods? With national employment remaining stagnant – and youth […]