Comments on: The new economy in 20 enterprises Community-led economic change. Thu, 26 Jun 2014 13:52:08 +0100 hourly 1 By: restart, acteur de la transition ! « London Green Echo Fri, 07 Feb 2014 13:12:19 +0000 […] un rapport de REconomy project (un projet de Transition Network) qui a analysé les projets d’une […]

By: Stuart Boothman Mon, 09 Sep 2013 20:42:00 +0000 A great BTEC Business studies resource:
– ensures that discussion of types of business organisation, aims, objectives and ethos are properly balanced
– allows an exploration of alternatives to the mainstream which teenagers, through the need to conform, follow so closely
– encourages the possibility of self-run businesses as realistic
– gives great, real example of alternative businesses

Thank you!

By: Bristol Bike Project and Bristol Pound make the REconomy Projects Top 20 Enterprises! Sat, 07 Sep 2013 09:19:43 +0000 […] can read the report in full here (link).  Finally, here is the full list of the 20 Enterprises (not in any particular order) (each […]

By: The New Economy in 20 Enterprises report released! — Financial Press Thu, 05 Sep 2013 12:15:53 +0000 […] Network’s REconomy Project has just published a fantastic new report entitled The New Economy in 20 Enterprises.  Pulled together by Michelle Denton (below, right) and Fiona Ward (below, centre), it opens like […]

By: Building a new economy, one repair at a time | the restart project Sat, 27 Jul 2013 12:18:09 +0000 […] This week the Transition Network‘s Reconomy Project featured us along with 19 other fantastic projects in their newly published report: “The New Economy in 20 Enterprises”. […]

By: Admin (Shane Hughes) Fri, 26 Jul 2013 08:49:11 +0000 Hi Wendy, i would word it differently but i totally agree that the focus has to be on people just getting on and doing stuff. And that is where the focus is in Transition Initiatives across the globe and these enterprises are a prime example. Have you seen Rob Hopkin’s new book “The Power of Just Doing Stuff”, which is a case in point.

That said people need to do what feels right to them, and if that’s trying to influence government, they should get stuck in and get the best yield they can…. 🙂


By: Wendy Howard Fri, 26 Jul 2013 08:33:59 +0000 Worthy aims, but it strikes me as extremely naive to think you can or should gain support from governments. Governments are now so completely corrupted and compromised by the corporate agenda, it’s likely any initiative to give people more autonomy will be comprehensively squashed, no matter how encouraging the noises might appear to be. There are just too many instances now of small local businesses being harassed and hobbled in the interests of protecting corporate profits – look at what’s happening to small farms in the US, for instance – that as far as I can see the only option is to work at grass roots level and keep ‘the system’ well out of it.

By: The new economy in 20 enterprises | evolveSUSTAIN Thu, 25 Jul 2013 21:37:15 +0000 […] via […]

By: michael e. v. knight Thu, 25 Jul 2013 15:24:31 +0000 We want to bring people together worldwide to do this. If you would like to help us achieve this goal please join us:
