The REconomy Project held a Skills Day before the start of the Transition Network conference. Transition groups from UK and around the world gathered, as did people new to REconomy, working in social enterprise, community development and in academia.
The event had several purposes: to allow an in-depth introduction to REconomy for some, a chance to explore new practical applications and connections within people’s own work within their communities, to join-up the work happening around the world. Importantly many people attending were striving for sustainable livelihoods in their communities under many other organisations and movements. REconomy was a banner bringing us together but the roots and names of this work were as many as the number of people in the room.
You are very welcome to look presentations, listen to recordings, or see more images of the event here. Hopefully that will give you a flavour of the day. And perhaps inspire you to run your own REconomy event – do get in touch if you would like support with that.
If you were at the event then do share your learnings and we will publish them here. Some things that I picked up from the day:
1. Whilst we all like a facilitated day, we all have things we want to share at these events and need a bit of spotlight for all the right reasons. We ran a ‘what is in your back pocket session’ where people get to say what they have brought with them that needs saying. A minute per person can help spread ideas, promote events, asks for help, and upcoming campaign.
2. That stories from elsewhere might give you practical ideas and encouragement, others might inspire you. Just as we were getting to know each other in the skills day then in came those working through Transition National Hubs on REconomy themes (they had a meeting the same day, unavoidably and unfortunately). Some of the stories from them were familiar in theme and some jaw-dropping differently contexts. You can learn from both.
3. Worth us remembering that lots can get lost in translation which can be amusing – and useful. (This is the photo of when Eitenne from Paris met Mike from Powys – you say it “Pow-is” and there was much confusion about how they were not from the same place). But also brings us together whilst we unpick where we are from and what we mean and what life is like where we come from. It slows us down in a useful way to translate REconomy and what it means for each of us.
4. It is always good to stop and reflect on what you are doing and why anyway. A great question in our circle led by Ana and Teresa from Portugal was: what makes you get up in the morning? Yes, the need to go to the bathroom– ha ha. But also the need to create change the in the world and to start with ourselves.
On that theme perhaps it is good to end, because one of the things REconomy strives to do is work strategically on local economy across context and place. But when it comes to it you can’t do this alone and you can’t do it without supporting yourself too.
P.s., I mentioned the Transition Conference, where there were loads of REconomy related themes. If you want a bit of an introduction to that, bigger, event then read this blog by Rob Hopkins.
Blog written by Anna Lodge, working with the REconomy Project team at Transition Network
This REconomy Project work is generously supported by the Friends Provident Foundation.