Tag: Workshop
In this week’s guest blog James Baker (Hereford Make CIC) offers his insights into setting up ‘open to all’ workshop spaces and invites you to support the crowd funding of their exciting project. Intro When faced with the aim of having workshops that are accessible for people to up skill-up, repair, make and have a […]
On Wednesday 4th September 2013 the first stakeholder meeting of the Glastonbury & Street REconomy project was held at the Red Brick Building in Glastonbury. This was an invitation-only meeting to initiate a REconomy Project in the local communities. Funding for the event had been generously provided by Martin Stanley of the Holly Hill Trust. […]
A number of us in France have been watching with great interest the REconomy Project emerging and unfolding in the U.K. The REconomy Project Day held in September 2012, right before the Transition Conference in London, was catalytic and memorable. As we began preparing last spring for our regional festival for Transition and Permaculture – […]